Transformation into a joint-stock company.
On December 14, 2021, summ-it sp. z o.o. was transformed in summ-it S.A.
As a result of the transformation, only the legal form of the company changed.
NIP, REGON and bank account number remains the same. The company was given a new KRS number: 0000937543.
Please update the data in your companies:
summ-it S.A.
ul. Głogowska 31/33, 60-702 Poznań
NIP: 7811933143, REGON: 365405286
KRS: 0000937543
We would like to assure you that summ-it S.A. will continue cooperation with you based on the concluded contracts.

Wojciech Wencel, CEO:
Let me share that summ-it is changing form of business, to scale up and support you in much better level.
Next success has been achieved!