
Today’s businesses largely cannot thrive without the right systems to store and handle data. One of the more popular providers of this type of solution is Oracle. The activities of this technology company cover several aspects, but are most commonly associated with databases.

The well-designed Oracle Database architecture provides convenient access to data, secure storage and high performance. Find out more about what solutions from Oracle we provide and how they can meet the needs of your business.

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What is Oracle?

Oracle is the name of an American company that develops software for the broadly understood service of enterprises. Instead, it is often associated with a database management system (Oracle Database). This is the official name of the relational database system (RDBMS) developed by Oracle Corporation. It uses the standard SQL query language and the internal PL/SQL stored procedure creation language (encapsulated in SQL). Java can also be used as a language for creating stored procedures in Oracle databases (from version 8i onwards).

Oracle Database is the world’s most popular database management system. It is available in the cloud and on-premise platforms. For some time, Oracle has also been offering a full cloud infrastructure (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure – OCI). It is the only cloud database service that combines transactions, analytics, and machine learning services in a single MySQL Database. Oracle also offers a range of other products, including:

  • operating systems (Oracle Solaris, Oracle OpenSolaris, Oracle Linux),
  • CRM (PeopleSoft, Siebel),
  • office packages (Oracle Open Office),
  • application servers (Oracle WebLogic).

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Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

OCI is a fully automated, secure platform designed to migrate corporate data and create customised, tailored applications to help streamline business processes. It provides autonomous operations with integrated security and serverless services available in the public cloud or locally. Oracle Cloud is almost 40 connected geographic regions with access to the Oracle Cloud Applications suite and more than 80 services offered within OCI. The company is already realising the operation’s expansion to five further regions.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is a comprehensive cloud infrastructure platform for all IT operations. It has been designed to enhance application performance. Through thoughtful engineering and appropriate system design, innovations have been provided that accelerate data migration, impact reliability and flexibility in the proprietary tools development.

  • Smooth and simple key company applications migration
  • Services suite needed to develop native applications
  • Tools autonomy affects security, performance, and scalability
  • Comprehensive support for hybrid cloud strategies
  • No additional charge for security features built in at each level

summ-it has been an Oracle Partner since 2015. Our specialists knowledge and experience is confirmed by the Oracle Certified Professional certification. This documents years of work in Oracle technology, an excellent understanding of the concepts and experience of applying them in real-life scenarios.

Ensure your business has high performance, scalability, and critical applications availability while reducing costs with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure with support from summ-it.


Oracle Database Management System – structure

In order to properly manage data within an Oracle system, you need a data storage structure (database) and an instance. Instance refers to the memory structures and the operating system’s processes that support databases and are responsible for executing tasks. The well-thought-out architecture of the Oracle Database ensures convenient access to data, the security of its storage, and high performance.

Database instance in Oracle Database

The database instance within Oracle Database consists of two main components.

  • SCHEMA – a schema is an objects collection that belong to the user. Most Oracle database instance have a default schema called SCOTT. Other default schemas are also available (SYS, SYSTEM, OUTLN, and SCOTT schema extensions – BI, IX, HR, OE, PM, SH).
  • Memory structures – these are the elements of which an Oracle database instance is composed. Shared structures can be accessed by all processes operating the instance. In contrast, to private structures only those processes that have placed them. The basic memory structure is the SGA (System Global Area or Shared Global Area).


Oracle Database structure

The structure of Oracle databases can be considered in two ways. The database physical structure consists of files located on the database server hard drive. When a new database is created, Oracle processes build data files, control files, and log files to provide the complete information needed to manage the data.

The database logical structure, on the other hand, consists of the units of disk space allocation: data blocks, extents grouped into segments, and tablespace, which are logical collections of tables, indexes, and other database objects. This allocation allows the database to optimise the disk space consumed and adapt its allocation as required.

Why use Oracle solutions?

Oracle Database will help handle all your company’s data processing needs. In doing so, it provides a number of benefits, including:

  • security – protecting the business from the consequences of data security breaches, the ability to assess and detect threats, and advanced data protection tools including encryption, key management, data masking, privileged user access control, activity monitoring, and auditing;
  • savings – with Oracle’s advanced tools, including automation based on machine learning, both time and money can be saved;
  • versatility – the possibility of using a single database for all types of data, which streamlines processes and further reduces operating costs;
  • customisation – Oracle’s database management systems can be deployed in the public or private cloud, or as part of an on-premise solution; this makes them flexible.

This is why the Oracle Database service is the most popular system of its kind in the world. The wide range of capabilities and high performance will meet the needs of any business.


Join more than 400,000 users who trust the innovative Oracle solutions and benefit from the summ-it specialists professional support. We are happy to help implement Oracle service solutions and tailor them to your needs.

Jakub Mazerant
Head of Sales

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