Code of conduct

1. General provisions

Summ-it inc. is aware of the importance and essence of compliance with all applicable laws, ethical norms and respect for fair rules of cooperation. The aim of the company is to provide high quality services in the field of system integration and professional data management with the goal of satisfying customers and taking care of its employees. We realize how important it is to define the company’s vision and philosophy for our customers.

By creating the summ-it inc.’s code of conduct we would like to present the principles, values and norms of conducting our business. We believe that by respecting the code of conduct by employees and all persons cooperating with summ-it inc. we will improve our path to achieving long-term success.

We would like to assure you that we make every effort to build credibility, customer trust, and good image by complying with the Code’s principles. We strive to achieve a state where we will not find irregularities in any of the aspects addressed herein.

2. Company values

The pillars of the summ-it inc.’s functioning are based on three values. It is on them that we try to build the philosophies and visions of our company.

2.1 Responsibility for entrusted tasks
We expect our employees to be responsible for the tasks assigned and to carry them out with the utmost care and commitment. We make every effort to ensure that the final result meets expectations and is fully satisfactory for our customers. We invite people to our team, who share our values such as reliability, honesty, and reliability. Thanks to this, our customers can rest assured that their data is
in good hands.

2.2 Transparency
In our company, transparency is understood as the clarity of action on which our team is based. We focus on communication, because according to us it is the key to efficient and effective service to our customers. Discussion of all tasks and assigned responsibilities is carried out under the leadership of a leader on the employees forum of a particular department. Tackling new challenges together as a team is a priority for us
in daily work. We are guided by the principle of mutual assistance, so everyone can count on the support of more experienced colleagues. This facilitates cooperation and builds good relationships among our employees.

2.3 Own development
We believe that the development of the company is behind the development of its employees, and one without the other cannot exist. Because people and their skills form summ-it inc., we focus on our team self-improvement by financing workshops, trainings and courses. We do not like routine because it prevents you from working with passion and commitment . We encourage our team to share their own experience with others and make sure that our employees can learn something new every day while discovering themselves and their strengths.

3. Human Rights

At summ-it inc. we are serious about respecting human rights. We strongly object to any violations, and if such an incident is detected within the structures of our company, we undertake to take immediate action.

4. Children’s rights

summ-it inc. does not use and does not employ persons who are legally defined as minors and are subject to legal protection in this respect. We strongly oppose the exploitation of child labour in the world.

5. Animal rights

summ-it inc. respects and upholds animal rights. We strongly oppose animal cruelty and animal rights violations in the world.

6. Coruption

summ-it inc. does not tolerate and does not practice any forms of corruption, bribery, blackmail, and extortion . If employees are offered compensation or gifts in relation to their professional activities by entities outside the organization, they are required to immediately inform their supervisor and the employer. Employees who succumb to the clients or partners influence of summ-it inc. in a fraudulent manner or extort any benefits on them in an unfair manner will be held disciplinary liable.

7. Fair Competition Principles

summ-it inc. focuses on partnership and cooperation. In dealing with partners and competitors, we present the business attitude based on ethics. We do not share data that could harm competitive companies and we do not use unfair unlawful practices to achieve a competitive advantage. We do not provide false or offensive information about our competitors, their products, or services to each other.

8. Environmental protection

summ-it inc. is aware of the environmental protection essence. We support environmental protection through new solutions that have a positive impact on the ecosystem. We take care of reducing excessive consumption of water, energy, paper and other raw materials. We carry out waste segregation in places designated for this purpose

9. Relationships with employees

At summ-it inc. we believe that the basis of the brand’s success is people, which is why we attach great importance to creating a strong and integrated team of professionals. We know that every employee contributes to development and the company’s success.

9.1 Non-discrimination and equal opportunities
At summ-it inc. we appreciate diversity because we know that it is a source of knowledge and new experiences. We act in accordance with the principles of equality and non-discrimination in the hiring and promotion of employees. We strongly disagree against discrimination based on race, gender, ethnicity, origin, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, political or philosophical beliefs. We support the employment of women and help them along the path of professional development.
We oppose racist, chauvinistic, degrading, discriminatory behaviour. As a company with an international scope of activity, we work
respecting cultural differences, nationalities, mindset. We are convinced that fruitful cooperation is possible only in a sense of mutual understanding. We expect all employees to relate to each other with respect and dignity.

9.2 Mobbing
summ-it inc. does not tolerate any manifestations of humiliation, insults, harassment, mobbing, physical or mental violence. If an employee experiences this type of behavior, he or she is obliged to immediately inform his or her superior or company management. Reports of the situation can also directly to the HR department or by e-mail to:

9.3 Employment conditions
We focus on good communication and cooperation with our employees, which is why summ-it inc. operates in accordance with applicable labor law, health and safety rules, compliance with the provisions of the GDPR and employees rights. We fairly compensate our employees on the basis of valid contracts, reports and currently prevailing financial norms in terms of earnings reports. We comply with legally guaranteed salaries and minimum rate standards in our country. We maintain national and EU regulations on working time, applicable break time, time off, vacation time and work-life balance rules. We provide full information to our employees about their rights, responsibilities, and expectations placed on them.

9.4 Stimulants
In our company there is an absolute ban on smoking, alcohol consumption and the consumption of narcotic drugs. We do not allow persons under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicants to conduct any work. We oppose any forms of distribution of these substances on the territory of the functioning of summ-it inc.

9.5 Confidentiality protection
We work in compliance with all confidentiality rules. Procedures, expertise, company experience, data, and details of cooperation with our customers are confidential. We do not provide technical, technological, commercial and organizational information, and personal data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, during the recruitment process, the period of employment or after it. Both inside and outside of the organization, we do not provide information about our customers or partners, including data of other customers or any other information that could expose customers to loss of competitive advantage or legal consequences.

9.6 Employee Responsibility
We expect our employees to comply with applicable laws, personal culture, and guidelines contained in this document. It should be remembered that all employees are obliged to conduct exemplary behaviour and dignified representation of the company’s image.

10. Final Provisions

The Code of Conduct summ-it inc. comes into force on the date of announcement, i.e. 1st September 2023.

If there is a suspicion of breach or notice of applicable law violation, the Code of conduct summ-it inc. or generally accepted ethics, the employee is obliged to report, in good faith, the situation in order to resolve the problem. In cases where discussing objections with a supervisor is inappropriate or troublesome for the employee, please send the report to the following address:


Wojciech Wencel

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