

Our priority is your data security.

We offer comprehensive IT solutions based on the best implementation practices and proven methodologies.

Bet on the professionalism and summ-it experts experience. Audits without data, cloud solutions, and Power BI reporting

Get full system support in deployments and migrations.

Through an analytical workshop, we will adapt our actions to the needs and size of your company in order to jointly develop the best possible solutions.

Managed Service

The dedicated team supports nearly 10 000 databases, guaranteeing the systems availability and security.

Managed Service

Audit Services

Managed Service

Cloud Solutions

Managed Service

Database Systems Support


We transform the collected data into information that represents business value and allows to scale systems to the desired size and requirements.


Analytics and Data Management

Software Development

We specialize in creating applications tailored to the needs of customers, ensure efficient implementation of processes and full data integration.

Jakub Mazerant
Head of Sales

Get a free quote!

Consult your company’s needs with our experts. Find out about solutions that will help your company improve business processes and ensure data security.