On Wednesday (May 20, 2020), we invite you to participate in the conference, which we are partner – Best in Cloud 2020.
This is the eighth edition of this conference organized by Computerworld.
During the conference, experts from summ-it will be at your disposal: Mariusz Masewicz and Michał Hutny, and at 15:35 Wojciech Wencel will give a lecture on: “Jak „chmura” zmieniła nasze procesy zarządzania infrastrukturą, na przykładzie migracji i zarządzania środowiskiem baz danych.”
Registration for the event is available at: https://www.computerworld.pl/konferencja/bestincloud/wykup
we also invite you to contact us in the partner zone: https://www.computerworld.pl/…/best…/strefa-partnerow-summit
You can’t miss it!